Hamsters South Africa

F10 SC Disinfectant 200ml Concentrate

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Highly recommended for cleaning habitats, cages, and accessories.
Also recommended for disinfecting hands, arms, etc. in between handling different pets that may be ill, in order to reduce risk of transmitting viruses and bacteria from one to the other.

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Highly recommended for cleaning habitats, cages, and accessories.
Also recommended for disinfecting hands, arms, etc. in between handling different pets that may be ill, in order to reduce risk of transmitting viruses and bacteria from one to the other.

Great product in general for use throughout your home.

A safe & effective (broad spectrum) disinfectant for high level disinfection of pre-cleaned surfaces and air spaces (fogging) in veterinary facilities. The product can be used on all surfaces and will not cause fumes, irritation, staining or corrosion. Ideal for over-spraying of work surfaces, examination tables, food & water containers, utensils, equipment, thermometers, litter trays, cages, stables, pens, enclosures, incubators and high touch areas. No rinsing required.


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